An invitation to fun with your CPAP!

Get your mask on and let’s get started!
I’ve been using CPAP every day for the past three years.  I was prescribed CPAP therapy a few years before that but I just couldn’t bring myself to strap it on at bedtime every night before that.
One morning three years ago I woke up and my uvula was dangling halfway down my throat.  Felt kind of like a long piece of gum hanging down there.  It made it hard to talk with that thing hangin’ down there.
Funny thing – it was Christmas morning.  So I spent part of Christmas day hanging out in the emergency room.  Turns out my snoring stressed my uvula so much that it stretched out like a nightcrawler.  I was given a prescription and sent home. 
This was kind of scary as well as being inconvenient so I started to use my CPAP every night after that.
Even after making that commitment to sleep therapy I still have had a hard time maintaining a correct attitude.  Sure, CPAP may be saving my life but some nights I just don’t wanna do it!
Here I’ll be blogging about ways I have fun with CPAP.  If you’re a CPAP user, maybe you have something to contribute, too.  Maybe it’s a joke, or a photo, a cartoon, a video. . . .  Lots of possibilities for humor in the old CPAP gear.
So let’s get started!