Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fun with CPAP! e-book now available

Fun with CPAP! is for people who are recently diagnosed with sleep apnea or have CPAP equipment  they are reluctant to use. I'd like to encourage them to use CPAP by making it a little more tolerable.

Here's what you'll find:

Chapter One: What is CPAP?
Chapter Two: The Sleep Study
Chapter Three: CPAP Equipment choices
CPAP machines
APAP machines
BiPAP machines
Mask Types
Hose cozy
Chin strap
Extra cushions, masks, and hoses
Chapter Four: Sleeping with CPAP
Chapter Five: Caring for your CPAP equipment
Washing Regime
Chapter Six: The DME
Local DME vs Online
Chapter Seven: Other issues
Setting Heated Humidifier Temperature
Sinus pain and headaches
Traveling with CPAP
Is surgery right for you?
Dental devices
Weight issues

APPENDIX — Details of a sleep study

It's all real, useful information from a three-year CPAP user who quit a few times but is now a full-time CPAP convert.  It also includes a printout of sleep study data so you can get a better idea how sleep apnea is diagnosed.

Find out more at

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